The taxi droped us off near the Central Mercado and we worked our way east along the pedestrial mall towards Barrio Amon The x-mas shoppers were out in full force and the streets were packed! There were lots of police around - at least 2 on every corner and more patrolling around. We stopped for beers at the News Cafe in the Hotel Presidente. They have Imperial ON TAP - and we got seats that looked over the street to do some great people watching.

Next we walked around the parks and went to the Dunn Inn in hopes of getting something to eat but their kitchen was closed so we settled for having a few beers. Next we worked our way back to the National Cathedral and took some pictures and then found a taxi to take us back to Alajuela.

Once back at the hotel we went back to the bar where we had some pretty strong margaritas and casados for dinner.
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