Since we were headed to Dominical we had to get through San Jose but fortunately I had some good directions to avoid going through the downtown area. We missed the turnoff from the highway but I was able to make the next exit and then backtrack. The directions we had were excellent for getting through San Jose and onto the Pan American Highway except I somehow took a wrong turn and we ended up stuck in traffic in Cartago where there was some sort of street fair going on and the streets were jam packed. After about 45 minutes we were able to find our way back onto the highway and onward towards the Cierro del Muerte (road of death) which got it's name from long ago when crossing the mountains from the Valle Central meant a three or four day journey, on foot or on horseback, and many ill-prepared travelers succumbed to the cold and rain.
It was a nice drive up the mountain but once we crossed the summit at 11,000' it became pretty foggy and then was pouring rain. I started getting a bit nervous since we were almost out of gas but had just enough to get us to San Isidro where we were able to fill up.
The drive towards the coast was nice but once we arrived in Dominical at about 2pm it started to rain REALLY HARD. We didn't have any reservations but checked out a few places that I had looked into (Dominicolos and Rio Lindo) but they were both full. Since it was raining and we were tired and hungry we found Cabanas San Clemente and settled on a crappy room for $30/night but at least it had a/c and hot water.
We hadn't eaten since breakfast and were quite hungry. We checked out Tortilla Flats but their restaurant was packed (a good sign) so we went to the San Clemente restaurant (same owners as the hotel but a much nicer place located a few blocks away) had some good tacos and beers for lunch and then back to our room for a nap.

We woke up at about 6pm and it was still raining really hard. There was so much rain and watter and mud we piled in the car and drove the 100' to Tortilla Flats. We hang out there for a while - it was fun place and the bartenders were very cool. We wanted some tequila shots but they had run out of tequila so the bartender gave us some free shots of vodka with some juice. Later in the evening they ran out of beer! Whomever does the ordering there needs to get their act together - as there were still lots of thirsty people at the bar!
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